JUNE 2018
Im sure you have heard all about the wonderful benefits from swimming, no stress on joints, increase in strength and muscle a full body workout using nearly all muscles in the body. There are also other benefits when you swim, like mood improvement, stress relief and a great social aspect of interacting with other people. All of these work together to help boost your overall health!
Are benefits for swimming the same for children and babies?
One of the benefits for children is the safety aspect. It is still listed as drowning being the no.2 reason for injury and death of children. At Begin2Swim we teach children, infants and new swimmers how to get back to the side if they have fallen in, how to shout to someone for help and to float on their backs. We also have a Lifesaving week each term where we ask swimmers to bring along shorts and t-shirt and we teach them how to shout for help, what to do in an emergency, how to swim with clothes on as it is a different feeling and how to rescue or help rescue another person and what to do in a emergency situation. This is fun for children to learn during the lesson but we do tell the children how important this is and they learn skills they hopefully never have to but may need to use one day. For the younger swimmers most lessons we will teach children to swim and float on their backs also. We teach children how to get in/out of a swimming pool safely and how to use resources around you to help yourself or another.
Safety awareness around and in the pool is super important to us.
Physiological benefits. Swimming is great for our bodies but also for our minds too. Studies show that swimmers often report instant mood improvement and also can form great relationships being part of swimming lesson by getting to know other children/people in their swim class/swimming team. Research from Australia shows that children who start swimming lessons at an early age develop milestones such as language skills, confidence and swimming also increases blood flow to the brain!
Swimming is great exercise and wether your learning to paddle, jump or learning techniques for advanced swimmers its a great all over body workout. It can increase strength and all over muscle mass. Children who go on to swim competitively and even in other sports have often started out in weekly swimming lessons and regular swimming.
Swimming can bring on confidence massively. When children participate in swimming lesson it is interactive so they don't just build up confidence in the water but also by interacting with adults and other children in and around the swimming pool. We often find that confidence in the water is grown when children/babies regularly go swimming with their parents for fun and on holiday as well as their swimming lessons. Even if they are not doing what they usually learn in their swimming lessons just being in and around the poolside/water can make such a difference and be really positive.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about the benefits of swimming and continue to join into all year round swimming lessons for all the positive benefits to children, babies and even yourself!
Summer holidays are nearly here Eeeek! exciting. We hope everyone has a lovely summer and enjoy lots of water time.
We often get asked what parents can practice on holiday, best aids for their children to use and below are a couple of our top tips on how to keep you and your children safe on holiday but how to make the most of the water time too!
Firstly and most importantly stay safe!- Make your children and yourself familiar with the pool rules and make sure you have the right amount of swimming aids for your child. Please make sure your children are supervised in and around the pool at all times. If your child is nervous in the water take your time to get them familiar with the pool area. You can bring some toys from home which they use in the bath to make them feel more comfortable and you can also start by just sitting on poolside and dipping your toes for a while. If your child needs armbands make them aware that they need to have them on in and around the poolside. We do encourage parents to use the disc armbands starting with all three on each arm and then you can remove one at a time for a gradual decrease in floatation and it helps children get into the right body position. We also use these in our lessons as we find children do not notice the decrease in buoyancy as much as inflatable armbands. If your child is just coming out of armbands or are out of their armbands but cannot independently swim for a very long time, we do recommend shark fins or back packs.
Try some of the activities and exercises that they would usually do in their lessons. Do not use any buoyancy aids that children do not use in their lessons. This can confuse your child and if they get comfortable with something they cannot use in their lessons it can sometimes knock their confidence. Try not to work to hard on progressing your child during their fun swim time with you, a holiday is not a time to "push" your child and any water time on holiday is great just being in the pool and having fun is a great confidence builder and can make such a difference in their swimming lessons. If you do want to practice some exercises with your child please make sure its mixed in with lots of fun and games to keep your child enthusiastic.
Please remember we do run our summer holiday intensive lessons from the 23rd July for 3 weeks. These are great confidence builders and a great way to improve quick as the lessons are 30 minuets from Monday to Friday each day. And remember if you book 2 weeks or more you receive a 10% discount!.
We really hope you have a lovely summer, from all of us at Begin2Swim.

We get asked frequently what parents can do to help get their child ready for their very first swimming lesson so below are 5 top tips! Starting swimming lessons is often a big step for most children and can be for those taking them so we are going to highlight some steps to take beforehand and things you need to bring to the pool.
1. Before the lesson try to get your child prepared. If you can familiarise them with the pool and the swimming pool environment this can help ease some nervousness. If your child is anxious about you not getting into the water with them, point out things such as where the chairs are and where you can watch on poolside so they know you are near. Contact us if you would like to pop in to watch some swimming lessons going on! We have photos on our facebook page and website of our pool for you to show your child.
2. What to bring to your lessons
Swimming costume/Trunks. (We recommend tighter swimming shorts to cause less drag)
Swimming hat (3 years +)
Shampoo/Shower Gel
Swim nappies for children under 3 or children still using nappies.
3. Start the conversation talking to your child about swimming before their lesson is very important. Talk them through the process of what will happen in the lesson and also how exciting it will be, helping your child to build trust and feel prepared. As you can see your child building confidence in conversation, start talking about kicking their leg and simple exercises that will no doubt be in your child’s swimming lesson. Lots of positive conversation about swimming is helpful, talk about having fun in the bath and if your child has a certain toy they like to use in the bath bring it along to their lessons! Anything to make the child feel compfortable is positive towards the lesson.
4. Get there early to the first lesson. Get your child to watch the other children in the pool having a nice time and into their swimming costumes so they are ready. Talk to your child about how much fun the other children look like their having and point out lots of positive things around the pool. Show them the pool toys and equipment have a little look around so they become familiar with everything.
5. Try not to show your child that you are nervous about them going to swimming lessons. Talk about lots of positive experiences you have had with water and be relaxed when you bring them. Enjoy the whole experience and even if your child doesn't find the first lesson enjoyable persevere. It sometimes can take a couple of swimming lessons for your child to fully relax, get used to their surrounding and new people and be confident in the water!
We hope to see you splashing around soon.
At Begin2Swim we give parents the opportunity to buy a certificate for their child at the end of each term. We have 3 terms over the year starting from Jan. We are Swim England Affiliated and we run our lessons through the ASA Learn To Swim Award scheme. For preschoolers we have the Duckling Scheme and Distance Badges and for school age children Stages 1-7, Water skills & Distance badges. These badges are designed to reward your Childs development of their aquatic skills. The criteria for each stage is on the asa website and also on the back of each certificate. With the size of our pool we can award up to Stage 6, WS6 & 100M. The individual teachers at Begin2Swim award their own swimmers to make sure each Childs progress is kept up to date and the correct certificates are being rewarded.
The duckling awards are designed to reward preschoolers and there is 4 different certificates available. At Duckling 1 - children start to move around the water independently and by Duckling 4 they will be jumping in, floating and able to travel in the water for at least 10 meters. Duckling badges are great for promoting increased independence in the water and building water confidence. This helps children work towards the stages badges 1-7.
These stage badges are designed to reward children for their aquatic skills they need to be competent in the water. They make up the core, national syllabus of learning to swim.
At Stage 1- Children are moving forwards and backwards for a distance of 5 meters with or without floatation devices. By Stage 6- Children will be performing push and glides & Swimming 10m with clothes on, and swimming 25 meters performed to a Swim England standard.
Distance Badges
To receive a distance badge swimmers must swim unaided 5-100M Once swimmers get to 25M it must be performed to a Swim England standard ( Breathing rhythmically every 3) The distance badges also complement and work within the Stages Badges.
Water Skills Awards
Water skills are added as an extensive award for our swimmers. The water skills certificates are 6 different awards focusing on confidence, versatility, skills and endurance. We award waters skills badges along side Stages,Distance and Duckling awards.
Pool Address
Glebe House, BA3 5UD

© 2018 by Begin2Swim. All Rights Reserved